Vaitiare Bandera Nude Scene From “Stargate SG-1” Remastered -
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The video below features actress Vaitiare Bandera’s nude scene from the 1997 TV series “Stargate SG-1” remastered and enhanced in high definition.
In this nude scene Vaitiare appears to be taking part in some sort of alien sacrificial ritual in which a Jewish looking phallic creature crawls up between her blasphemous bare breasts.
This of course is extremely offensive to Islam, for being an extra terrestrial is no excuse for not following the teachings of the blessed Prophet (PBUH). Yes, these heathen aliens will be in for a rude awakening if they ever travel thousand of lightyears through space and run into us pious Muslim men… For we will stone these intergalactic infidels without hesitation, as they defy the will of Allah with these Satanic nude sacrifices.
The post Vaitiare Bandera Nude Scene From “Stargate SG-1” Remastered appeared first on Celeb Jihad.
Title: Vaitiare Bandera Nude Scene From “Stargate SG-1” Remastered
Category: Celeb Videos, naked, nude, Stargate SG-1, Vaitiare Bandera
Added on: április 27th, 2023
Views: 110 views