Selena Gomez Thin Vs. Thick Debate Rages On -
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There are few issues more divisive in the holy Islamic world than whether actress Selena Gomez was better when she was a tight bodied thot (as in the behind-the-scenes “Spring Breakers” photo shoot video above), or now as a thick husky harlot (as in the “Only Murderers in the Building” big boobs lingerie outtakes in the video below).
Certainly compelling cases can be made for both versions of Selena… And really at the end of the day what it boils down to is whether one is looking to utilize Selena as a concubine (then the thin version is preferable) or if one is interested in her as a piece of farming equipment (then certainly the wide-bodied model is the choice to make).

When the question is viewed with this proper perspective there is no denying that thick Selena is the better choice… For Mexican minxes like Selena were made for laboring in the fields and not the bedroom.
However with that said, there is no denying that romantically speaking Selena’s thin lesbodyke era was her best… As her choice in men (from Bieber and The Weekend to the Puerto Rican troll she is currently engage to) has been deeply disturbing to say the least.
The post Selena Gomez Thin vs. Thick Debate Rages On appeared first on Celeb Jihad.
Title: Selena Gomez Thin Vs. Thick Debate Rages On
Category: ass, bikini, boobs, lingerie, Only Murderers in the Building, Selena Gomez, sexy, Spring Breakers
Added on: január 1st, 2025
Views: 20 views